Below is a step-by-step guide on how to fill out your Treatment Sheet (Production Task 20). Please complete the Treatment Sheet by next Wednesday 30th November (5pm) and upload to your blog. Guy
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Click on the link below to access your Treatment sheet:
Some biographical information about the band or artist. What is their sound? Where are they from? Is this their first release?
What else is included in the Digipak? Use your imagination. What other things would you include? For example - live concert footage; exclusive documentary about the band or artist; interviews; a making of the music video etc.
Artwork/images/photography - the digipak must look interesting; it should also represent the artist or band in an approriate way. It may feature a picture of the band or artist; or it may have an interesting image instead.
The digipak must feature the band's or artist's logo. If they don't have one - design one!
Digipaks normally have an information booklet that fits on the inside sleeve of the cover.
BBFC certiciation (12A, 15, 18)
Record company logo
Myspace address
Bar code
Blurb on the back that tells you what is inside the digipak.
Follow the links to see all of Jordane's DVD Digipak project; also look at her DVD Digipak magazine advert and music video. Look at how the three elements all work together. You can tell they are all connected. This is known as creating a BRAND IDENTITY for your artist or musician. This is a key element of the year two project.
Below are links to a rnage of student Advanced Portfolio in Media Projects. The work ranges from high A (97/100) to low C (60/100). Hopefully by looking at the blogs you can see the differences between A grade, B grade and C grade work.
Codes and conventions of music video are broad but the most crucial thing about it is that it is edited in time to the music. The artists lip-synch in time with the track.
The video for Queen's ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ (1975)is said to have brought in a new era of music video. This is because the video for Bohemian Rhapsody highlights the grammar of music video: the video is stylised, with some 'live performance'; all edited in time with the music. The video focuses mainly on the lead singer, with the visuals structured exactly around the arrangement of the song.
Have a look at the video: what common conventions can you spot?
Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody (1975)
Rock and roll films of the ‘40’s and ‘50’s introduced audiences to the idea of band performing 'as live' on TV and film. Jailhouse Rock by Elivis Presley has mainly of the features of a studio-based music video. How many can you spot?
Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock (1957)
In the 60’s the codes and conventions were really defined as follows: 1. Carefully choreographed performances synchronised to a studio recording of track; 2. Close up shots with a mix of high and low angles; 3. Artists lip-synch in time to the music; 4. Edit in time to music.
The music video was seen by the record label as a way to promote the image of the band. What image do you think The Beatles were trying to convey in this music video?
The Beatles Strawberry Fields (1967)
Music video subverts many conventions and borrows from lots of other media genres:
The undisputed champion of the Hip Hop video is Hype Williams. He has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry. His videos are very stylised with frequent use of fish-eye and wide-angle lenses. He has done more than most to ensure Hip Hop videos are regularly played on MTV. Here are a few examples of his work:
This web site has been set up by the Media Department, Sixth Form Centre, City College Norwich.
The site has links, resources and tutorials for the OCR A Level Advanced Portfolio Unit G325.
Students produce two music videos for their Advanced Portfolio - one for an existing, famous track one for an established local artist. Students also produce a DVD digipak and either a web site or print-based advert for the launch of the band's new single.